My 2020 goals

Hey, guys! long time no talk. Honestly, I've missed writing articles on here, and it feels good to be back.
The last time I wrote an article was when I was doing blogmas, and that, well..flopped.I kinda feel terrible for failing blogmas, but I go too busy with my new internship to continue. It's a shame though because I got a positive response from my first blogmas articles. Anyways, there's always next time.
I can't believe we've entered a new decade! it's crazy! I'm a bit optimistic about this new year and decade, which is honestly a first because I'm such a pessimist.
I wanna share some of my 2020 goals with y'all and also give you a recap of my wild time in 2019:
focus more on my blog

My 2019 new years resolution was to start a blog, which I did in May. However, I wasn't posting as consistently as I should have. On top of this, I realized that I wanted to re-brand my blog because I wasn't satisfied with the direction I was taking it. I just found it quite boring. I figured out that I had to inject more life into my blog by publishing more entertaining content, not just the same-old generic blog content.
So my goal for 2020 is to post magazine styled posts about celeb fashion, beauty etc.
shoot internship shots

Guys, I'm ashamed to admit that my number one priority for 2019 was to find a boyfriend * face palm *. And guess what? I failed lol.
I think I've been in a billion talking stages in 2019 and I have no talking stages left in me anymore. I'm not shooting shots in 2020 to these undeserving boys. I'm only shooting internship shots because at the end of the day, I'm in my early 20's and I need to focus on building up my CV, nothing else.
be my own lover

As I said earlier, I really wanted a boyfriend in 2019. I was really putting myself out there and I would get the attention I wanted from the guys I was crushing on but whenever I thought I found the right guy, things would not workout. And I would quickly move on to another guy because I couldn't' stand not having someone send me a sweet goodmorning text lol.
I found myself constantly looking for validation from boys because I couldn't love myself. Their attention was the only thing keeping me happy. However, these flings I had with them would only last a month, and when they would step out of my life, so did my happiness.
In 2020, I want to be content with my own company. I'm no longer going to rely on a boy to make me happy.

spend less time on social media

While I do love scrolling through twitter and finding hilarious memes,I need to reduce my screen time because I noticed that i start to get depressed looking at what other people are doing. I start to envy their life and compare their lives to mine, which is detrimental to my mental health.
I want to focus more on more productive things like building my skills for my career.
That's it for today. I know my goals for 2020 are short but I just want to keep things simple and doable. Stay tuned for more articles.