Get Healthy With Me: The Plan 2020
I wanna be honest with you: I really need a kind o accountability partner for this.
i'm always really motivated when i make plans but i just never stick with this time i wanna share it all with you:
- what i intend to do
- the specific steps towards my goals
- any kind of failure i experience
- and all the positive effects i encounter :)
quitting sugar
simple carbs are basically satan.and i'm not even restricting my diet to become skinnier, i just really need this to balance my mood.
[before the change]
right now i just eat whatever is convenient and tastes nice:
breakfast: cornflakes
at school: bread, croissants or donuts
lunch: bread or pasta
snacks: chocolate or cookies
dinner: pizza, pasta or bread
not a single meal without gluten or empty carbs!
no surprise i'm so sluggish and moody - my blood sugar is never stable and i'm not getting enough nutrients.
- low energy, low focus, low willpower, ...
- premature ageing: excessive sugar consumption can cause long-term damage to skin proteins, collagen and elastin, leading to premature wrinkles and ageing
- constant cravings
- bloating
- weakened immune system
- insomnia
let's beat this vicious cycle together!
cooking organic meals
cooking every meal myself might take a lot of time but i'm sure it will be worth it.HEALTHY MEAL PLAN:
breakfast: fried or scrambled eggs, buckwheat pancakes, oatmeal with fruits, chia pudding, green smoothie
at school: whole grain bread with avocado, vegetable sticks with hummus, fruits
lunch: stir fry with quinoa and vegetables, glutenfree pasta with vegetable sauce, potato or pumpkin soup, baked sweet potato, tuna salad
snacks: smoothies, vegetable sticks with hummus, dark chocolate, nuts, sweet potato brownies
dinner: mashed potato, rice or lentil curry, buckwheat bread, wholegrain pizza, vegetable casserole
- take time to slowly reduce your sugar intake
- if you're regularly drinking soda, dilute your drink with sparkling water before you eventually quit
- keep your blood sugar stable by eating complex carbs like wholegrain products, oats, potatoes, almonds or legumes
- replace some of the sugar with substitutes like stevia
- you can try intermittent fasting to feel energized all morning
- when you get an acute sugar craving, distract yourself with exercise
- use maple syrup instead of sugar when sweetening coffee or cooking
regular workouts to become more energetic
the only habit that i'm really consistent with is yoga - but in my case it doesn't really count as exercise because i'm only doing the easy stuff.establishing a meditation habit
in the last year i've learned a lot about mindfulness and how to meditate - but i've somehow never been able to do it's not even that difficult!
i want to work on my discipline and mediate for one hour every week, doesn't matter when or where.
reducing screen time to 1 h
oh sweet internet - my best friend and worst enemy at the same time...all this endless entertainment and novelty is certainly addicting.
i need my time for things that are more worthy of my attention!

- read more books (fiction & non-fiction)
- invest more time in homework and studying
- meet friends
- take walks outside
- draw or just be creative
- organize my room
- make photos of my surroundings
please comment your resolutions so we can motivate each other ;)