Stop hating your body
I'm aware that many people have a negative body image. I see it on my everyday life and I've experienced this kind of feelings myself. That's why in today's article I'm going to tell you how I deal with these feelings, and I hope this can help you. It's hard, but little step by step, you can start feeling better and loving yourself a little more everyday.
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♥ Get out of social media for a while
When you are having an "I hate my body" moment, please leave social media for a while. Stop watching people with perfect bodies, stop comparing yourself to others. Turn off your phone for a while. Instead, read a book, watch a TV show, go for a walk, hang out with your friends, or anything that keeps you distracted.

♥ Be selective with what you follow
You can't stay out of social media forever, I know. So, the best you can do now is unfollow negative users. Unfollow those users who only post about "perfect bodies", that is NOT the way most people look in real life, and they will make you feel awful. Unfollow everything that makes you compare yourself to others and feel bad about your body. Posts about perfect bodies ARE NOT A GOOD MOTIVATION, they only make you feel worse.

♥ Online positivity
Now that you unfollowed negative users, try to follow new ones that post about body positivity and self love. Keep positive vibes around you!
♥ Surround yourself with people who make you feel self confident.
Pick good friends and let go those relationships that are not good for your self confidence. Don't let anyone treat you like you are not worth it or like you need to change the way you look. You need people in your life that accept you for who you are.

♥ Think about all the things your body allows you to do
You can walk, run, dance, sing, make art, swim, laugh, play sports, learn, and many other things. Do the things you love and try new ones, that's how you will realize everything you can actually do. That's what's important about your body, not the way it looks. Don't let anyone convince you of the opposite.
♥ Take care of your health
Eat, drink water, sleep enough, don't stress, excercise. Go to the doctor to learn how to be healthy. Do all these things for your health, not for your looks. Don't chase the perfect body, that's impossible to reach, just try to stay healthy, phisically AND MENTALLY. This means not getting obsessed, finding a balance. Don't feel guilty for eating a chocolate or having pizza with your friends, that's not worthy. Enjoy everything, life is short and you deserve to live happily.
♥ Control your thoughts
I know this can be hard, but you need to stop having negative thoughts. Everytime you are feeling bad about yourself, just say positive things to yourself and repeat them, or you can read positive quotes. Even if at the begginig they seem fake to you, keep saying them to yourself until you actually believe them. It will work with time, especially if you also do all the things I mentioned before.

♥ Deal with your feelings.
Having low self confidence can makes us feel streesed, sad, anxious or angry. That's why it's important to take care of ourselves and find healthy ways to deal with these feelings. In these articles you can read some ideas on how to do it, but you can also find your own ways. Just don't forget self care is important!
♥ Get help
If you think it's getting too bad and you can't control it, get help. You can talk to a friend, but it's better if you talk to an adult that can offer you better help. It can be someone from your family or another adult you trust, like a teacher or a school counselor. Don't be afraid or embarrased. How you feel is normal, but it's not healthy and you don't have to feel like that forever.
♥ It takes time
Learning to love yourself takes time. Don't expect to feel better from one day to another. But you need to know that eventually it will happen. Don't be too hard with yourself if you are having a bad day, just know that the next one can be better.

I hope these advise was useful...