Glo up after a break up
I know the state of breaking, very well, so I wrote this part for girls who have lived the same, becaise glo up after a break up, is not so easy as we think.
Give yourself a makeover
This doesn't have to be anything very expensive, you can simply cut your hair shorter, get extensions, go for a facial, buy some new clothes or makeup. Just treat yourself a little to anything that you'd feel better and more confident with! For example, when I broke up with my first boyfriend after a year and a half relationship, I wanted to try something new so I cut my waist length hair to my shoulders and I absolutely LOVED it. Around that time I also needed to change the prescription for my glasses lenses so I just ended up asking to get new frames to change my look a little more.
Work on your mental health and happiness
After you give yourself a little makeover, it's time to improve yourself on the inside! Work on being more confident, positive and having more self love!
Make a playlist of songs that make you feel happy
For me, the right song can literally change my mood. After I broke up with my second and last boyfriend, I had a couple songs that really made me feel better. Here are some of them:
Ariana Grande - No Tears Left To Cry and Knew Better
Dua Lipa- IDGAF and New Rules
Ariana Grande - No Tears Left To Cry and Knew Better
Dua Lipa- IDGAF and New Rules
Start a self care routine
I'm really big on self care, so for me an entire routine is essential to get me into a better mood. You don't have to go to the extent that I do but still include something to take care of yourself. For example, eat better, pamper yourself, get a manicure.

Don't isolate yourself
I know after getting your heart broken you just want to curl up under your blanket in the dark and stay there for a couple days but seriously DON'T! I find that when I get out of the house and surround myself with friends and family I feel so much better.
Take sometime to cry things out and process the hurt
Yeah, it's going to suck (a lot) and you'll be hurt and possibly miss your ex but all of that is completely fine! Going through a grieving phase is okay and completely healthy. When that phase is over, you're going to feel so much better and happy because then you're able to process things better and realize why that person isn't good for you instead of allowing your hurt to determine if you want that person back or not.
Write your feelings out
I like to write those 'letter to future me' things a lot. I write it on this website, enter my email and choose a date for the website to email me the letter. I find that really helps and then in a few years I can look back at how stupid I was to even cry over that person. I also like to use the app 'Perspective' for my day to day thoughts. It's a digital journal app and I highly recommend it!

Don't think about things from your relationship with your ex
Every time you start thinking about those memories, immediately snap yourself out of it and remind yourself that your ex isn't worth it.
Think positively
You broke up with that person for a reason! It wasn't meant to be and someone much better is on their way!
