How to improve your grades
Today I want to focus on ways you can always get the perfect grades.

This part is for anyone that is struggling to get their grades up because let's face it, school is hard and not everyone is naturally gifted - but that's fine, there are many ways to get your desired grades, and here's how:
Know your Goals
Waking up in the morning every weekday for school can seem pointless if
you have no idea why you're going there in the first place. A lot of people feel demotivated to study because they always question the importance of school; I'm sure we've all heard someone in class ask the teacher if they're even gonna use what they're learning in the future.
you have no idea why you're going there in the first place. A lot of people feel demotivated to study because they always question the importance of school; I'm sure we've all heard someone in class ask the teacher if they're even gonna use what they're learning in the future.
Having a goal in mind while you go to school will change your perspective on school - you'll realize how important it is for you to study for your classes. I highly suggest that you sit down and think about what your dream career is and keep that dream in mind everyday when you go to school. This dream will be your compass ;it will guide in you in the right direction and you will make the best moves in school to achieve your goals. '
If you're in highschool, look at universities that offer courses that will help you pursue your dream career (make sure that you do this as early as possible, even if you're still a junior in highschool). Look at what grades they want for you to meet their entry requirements. Once you know what grades you need to get to do your dream course, this will help motivate you to improve your grades because now you'll know that you won't be studying for no reason.
And if you're in Uni, look at anyone that is excelling in your dream career - this could be famous interior designers, fashion designers, photographers, graphic designers etc - and let that push you to achieve what they've achieved by working your a** off in your assignments, exams, quizes etc, to get more steps towards finally getting your degree and starting your journey on getting your dream job.
"One day I'm gonna make you so proud" - note to self.
Study early
Studying the week before, or even worse, the night before an exam is just a recipe for disaster. Its impossible to memorise months, and months of notes in one night. You have to start as early as possible - remembering a tone of information requires you to give yourself a lot of time to get your notes stuck in your head.
Create a realistic study schedule that you can follow everyday to help you study consistently. Don't just have random study sessions, have consistent ones - and overtime you'll how much work you've gotten done and you'll be so proud of yourself - so please no more procrastinating; remember you need to study early to make your future self proud.
Do extra classes
If you've got some free time after classes, try scheduling an afternoon class with your teacher; your teacher will be more than glad to assist you, so don't be shy.

I remember doing one on one classes with my biology teacher and the extra sessions helped improve my grades so much. I liked how I was the only one in class because its easier to focus on what the teacher is saying than having people talking over the teacher; its just less distracting. Plus, my teacher seemed more patient because I was the only she was teaching.
Summarise your notes
Write a summary of each chapter you're studying - to get a general idea of the topics. This makes understanding the topics way easier and quicker because you are just focusing on the key parts of each chapter, plus the vital supporting ideas.
Take study breaks
A big reason why people often run away from studying is because they think that they have to sit at their desk the whole day studying - which is the wrong way to study; you need to take breaks in between study sessions.
Take at least a 20 minute study break - or at most, 35 minutes. Don't fall into the trap of turning your study break into a 3 day "break".
Test yourself
See how much you know about a chapter by writing down as much information you can remember about the chapter you've studied. After you're done, you can compare what you've written with your study notes or with the information from your text book - to see if what you've written is correct; I personally find this technique very helpful!
The second effective way of testing yourself is by doing past papers. Pretend as if you're in an exam hall writing your finals by timing yourself ( time yourself based on the amount of time is required to complete a paper - it could be an hour etc). This technique makes writing exams less daunting since you would have already experienced similar exam conditions.
Get rid of any distractions
Anything that takes your mind off studying is an enemy of progress: this could be your phone, or friends.
If you gotta miss out on some parties, adventures with your friends - its fine, you can join your squad later. Prioritise studying over your social life for a while because at the end of day, your grades matter the most.
Turn off your phone, or turn on airplane mode while you study until you finish. Its so easy to get consumed in your phone, that you can spend hours scrolling through your Instagram feed without noticing how much study time is being wasted.
Don't give up
It's not gonna be easy all the time, but please don't give up. There will be times when you'll feel frustrated, overwhelmed - that's what everyone - yes, even the "smart" kids go through as well. Just cry it out, wipe your tears, rest and understand that you're trying your best and believe that everything will work out in the end - it always does, trust me.
I remember seeing a quote that said something like " you can't achieve great things if you're always in your comfort zone" and that stuck to me - push yourself to keep on going until you finally get the grade you need.
That's all for today, loves! I really hope you've found this article helpful and I hope these tips help you boost your grades up.