Period hacks

Hey, loves! here are some period hacks you can try out, to make your period less horrible

Use a hot water bottle

A hot water bottle is soooo useful when your cramps are intense! the heat helps stimulate blood flow and lessens pain from cramps.

Hot water bottles are so nice to use when you're chilling at home, while taking a nap cause the heat makes you feel nice and cozy - which is essential when cramps are making you feel uncomfortable.

Use a period tracker

A period tracker will predict and notify you when your next period is about come. This will give you some time to plan ahead and gather all the pain medication, sanitary pads, tampons you need when your period begins. Knowing that your period will start in a couple of days will also stop you from picking an outfit that isn't appropriate when you're on your period, e.g. white pants or skinny jeans.

You can find many handy period trackers on the apple app store and on google play.

Don't drink a lot of coffee

Cut down on coffee while you're on your period cause caffeine can make your body retain a lot of water - which can result to a horrible bloated feeling, and very painful cramps.

Go for a light jog, or a walk

I know that taking a nap or just laying down seems like the best thing to do while you're on your period - but being active can help get rid of painful cramps as well. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins,which is a hormone that makes you feel good. Those endorphins can counteract the bad hormones that give you cramps.

You can even take one painkiller before you go for a jog, to make things easier when you're out jogging.

Cut down on salty snacks

Salty food retains a lot of water, which worsens painful cramps. So, don't binge on french fries or potato chips while you're on your period, go for some fruits like bananas and oranges instead!

Eat dark chocolate

This is a good excuse to eat as much chocolate as you want, cause apparently dark chocolate contains magnesium, which helps fight cramps.

Keep spare underwear in your bag

I'm sure we all leak blood onto our underwear during our period, its inevitable. So if you wanna avoid walking around in stained underwear all day, you can pack a few pairs of spare underwear in your bag.

Take painkillers two days before your period starts

This tip only applies to anyone that starts experiencing period pain a couple of days before their period starts (like me). Apparently, a hormone called Prostaglandin spikes a couple of days before your period to trigger your body to start its menstrual cycle, this is why you may experience cramps before you start blood shows up.

Even when I'm on my period, I usually take a painkiller in the morning before my cramps start, cause this helps me go through most of my day without cramps. I don't like waiting for the pain to start for me to take some painkillers cause it usually takes a while for the pain to subside.

I hope you found these tips useful! 
