How to simplify your life
I'm sure each and of you can agree with me that life is tough. Its so easy to deceive yourself into thinking that you're the only unlucky person in the world that never catches a break from problems. Don't be fooled by the people you see on social media that potray to live without difficulties; trust me, 99% of the time, people aren't posting their failures - they're only showing you their highlights. Everyone goes through challenges; everyone deals with issues on a daily basis - that's just how complicated life is.
I know that you wish that there was a magical way to make your life a whole lot simpler...well you're in luck because in today's article I will show you 12 ways you can simplify every aspect of your life;
Set monthly goals

If you want to get your life together and feel more organised - set monthly goals. These goals will help you stay focused and ensure that you prioritise important things in your life.
Don't enter a new month not knowing what you want to accomplish - you will end up feeling confused, uninspired, and by the end of the month, you won't achieve anything significant. This is why I can't stress enough how crucial it is to map out your monthly goals - these goals will give your month purpose and will ensure that you stay productive.
Make sure that you always keep track of your monthly goals. Have your goals for the month been achieved? if so, cross it out. What went well? what went wrong? what can you do to improve next time?
Write daily to-do lists the night before

Now that you have decided what your monthly goals are, its time to take action: start writing daily tasks that will help you work towards fulfilling your goals. Breaking down your monthly goals into to-do lists have the benefit of turning your goals into bite-size pieces - and this makes achieving your goals way more easier.
I also suggest that you write your to-do list the night before so that you sleep peacefully knowing that you have sorted yourself out for the next day.
Create a quick morning routine

A quick morning routine is essential if you want to get yourself prepared properly and on time.
Set a timer for how long you should take a shower - so that you don't get carried away and lose track of time. Cook an easy and healthy breakfast, have your outfit already laid out from the night before, do a simple makeup routine, etc
Start a capsule wardrobe

Do you struggle to find something to wear even though your closet is filled with so many clothes? make getting ready easier by donating or selling of all the clothes that you do not wear or fit you anymore - only keep versatile pieces like plain t-shirts, denim jackets, sneakers, etc. Include new basic pieces in your wardrobe that can be easily worn with your existing clothes - this will help guarantee that you will always have something to wear. You can also add one or two statement pieces for special nights out.
Take regular social media breaks

People are so addicted to social media that its impossible for them to put down their phone and live in the moment. I've seen people drive and text (or sometimes take snap stories and drive!), cross the road while texting, text while they're in class, text instead of watching a movie, text during family gatherings, snap people that are in danger instead of calling an ambulance to assist them etc. Its gotten out of hand and I don't realise how much their phone has hijacked their life.
Your life will be way more peaceful if you're not so dependent on social media. I reccomend that you find fun things to do outside of these social platforms - even if its just sitting outside and getting in touch with nature ( I personally love doing this, its an excellent way to detox the soul), or get cozied up in your room with some tea and a good book.
Don't force relationships

No matter how much you would love someone stay in your life, if their feelings for you aren't mutual then do not waste your precious time and energy trying to force them to see your worth.
If you notice that they are not as excited to talk to you or they keep abandoning you - open that front door and allow them to leave. Only associate yourself with people that make an effort to show up in your life and treat you with love and respect.
Slow down

I know that you may have a certain standard that you want to maintain - whether its only getting straight As in every subject/ module or sticking to a diet. You want everything to workout perfectly and to go as planned that you put immense pressure on ourselves. I understand that Its good to set the right precedent in your life; but remember to not overwork yourself - make time to relax your mind - you don't need to be working 24/7. Take regular breaks, you're not a robot - let your brain recharge.
Take the time to be grateful

Its so easy to sit down and self-loath all day. Maybe you're tired of being single, or you're having style Fomo because you can't afford to join instagram fashion trends.
Don't spend the rest of your day concentrating on the things that you don't have in your life. Take the time to be grateful for the things that you do have like: good health, a roof over your head, a comfortable bed to sleep on, running water, electricity, food etc.
Manage your expectations

If you create unrealistic expectations then you will set yourself up for major disappointment. Don't expect to get rich overnight once you to start your own business or to get your dream body after one session at the gym.
Set attainable goals, be patient, work consistently and then you will get your desired the results.
Be a risk manager

"Hope for the best and prepare for the worst" this is a quote that I have adapted in my life and has helped me to have a mature outlook on life. Always have a backup plan just in case an idea doesn't work out - don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Save your money

Do you waste most of your money on takeout or do you go on a huge shopping spree at sephora until you burn a hole in your wallet? if this sounds exactly like you - its time to re-evaluate your spending decisions.
Its way more cheaper to make home food than to depend on ubereats (and healthier). And realistically, you only need a few cosmetic products that you will actually use - for instance, one eyehsadow palette that contains colours that allow you to create natural everyday eyelooks - to bold and colourful eyelooks. This will will save you so much money than buying every single eyeshadow palette that comes out.
Set some money aside for bigger goals - this could be to travel to your dream destination, to start a business, to save up for an apartment when you're ready to move out of your parents house etc. Additionally, having money saved up will come in good use just in case you'r in an emergency.
Thanks for reading, loves!