How To Overcome Laziness
I think a lot of us can agree just how difficult it is to find the willpower to get sh*t done sometimes.
Overcoming laziness is hard; but today's article will show you simple ways you can find the motivation to be productive:
Go to sleep early
First things first, get adequate amount of sleep so that in the morning you feel well rested, and you have enough energy to get through the day.
I mean, Think about it: how are you going to have the motivation to conquer your goals when you can barely keep your eyes open?
List your strengths
If you have zero confidence in yourself, you will lack the motivation you need to achieve your goals; you won't think that you have what it takes to accomplish anything.
Boost your confidence by reflecting on past victories. Silence any negative thoughts that make you feel like a failure by listing all of the victories you are most proud of. Remind yourself that you have achieved great things in the past and you are more than capable to do the same in the present.
Get rid of distractions
Its easy to see the enjoyment of spending your time on social media all day - but this fun is short term and the consequences of procrastination are long term. Always remember: Nothing is predestined, YOU have to create your own destiny. So the more you keep doing nothing in the present, the less likely you will have any success in the future.
"The best way to predict the future is to create it"
If you find yourself spending your day mindlessly scrolling through your insta feed instead of working towards your goals- then your phone is an enemy of progress. Put it on airplane mode and put it away.
Look at people that inspire you
Watch videos or read about the people you aspire to be; how did they manage to climb the ladder of success? what have they currently achieved?
Emulate the people that inspire you - get up, be productive and never give up. The more you try to be like the successful people you admire, the less lazy you will be.
Remember your "why"
Whenever you feel lazy and lose focus, remind yourself why you set up your goals in the first place. What benefits will you reap from working achieving your goals? improved grades? getting accepted into your dream uni?
Create a vision board and put it up in your room so that you never forget why you should get up and work towards accomplishing your goals.
Read motivational quotes
If you ever lose hope, always turn to motivational quotes to help you regain the willpower to work.
Hydrate yourself
Dehydration will take away all your energy and your brain will not be working to its full potential. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your concentration levels and other cognitive abilities high.
Organise yourself
Have you ever just laid on your bed thinking about the pile of work that's waiting for you, and then just give up before even trying? I get it, the thought of ALL the work you have to get done can really put you off from even getting ONE thing done.
The best way to eliminate that spirit of laziness is to give yourself manageable tasks to do. If you have an essay that you need to get done, decide to just work on your intro for the day. The other day you can work on the main body paragraphs etc. This will release so much stress and pressure on yourself because you're giving yourself realistic tasks that are easy to get done.
Thank you so much for reading! I really hope you found this article helpful