How to achieve your dream closet

Clothes aren't going to change the world, the women who wear them will."~Anna Klein

You are not the same as you were a year ago. You matured, you grew, you changed and so did your style. The way you dress is a reflection of who you are and how you feel. As you are constantly discovering new pieces of yourself, it's only natural that some of them will belong to your current "ideal" sense of style.

Rediscover yourself

The first thing you have to do is to have a good chit-chat with yourself. We think we understand ourselves better than anyone else when we didn't even have a proper conversation with our inner self once. Prepare a hot cup of coffee or tea, light a candle if you feel so, get a notebook and a pen and introduce the current you to yourself.

◆ What is your current 'ideal' sense of style?

◆ Which is your favorite color/coloring pallet?

◆ How do you want to feel most of the days?

◆What do you love about yourself/your body?

◆ Which is your biggest body insecurity?

◆ Which is your favorite clothing piece in your current wardrobe?

◆ Which is your less favorite clothing piece in your current wardrobe?

◆ How many basic clothing pieces do you own? Which ones?

◆ Which is your personal statement piece?

◆ Have you ever regretted a purchase that you've done? If yes, which one and why?

Feel free to add some extra questions or even journal and express your feelings after answering these questions.


Fashion is the art of expressing a piece of yourself, your mood, your feelings to the world through colors, styles, fabrics, textures, designs. Style rises from the inside so instead of simply visualizing your dream closet, think of the person you want to become, the things you wish to achieve, your goals. Think of how you will feel confident, strong, unstoppable within the clothes you are wearing, how to turn them into your armor.

Create a mood board which will bring all your thoughts and ideas to life. The ideal place for me to hang your mood board is near your closet as a daily reminder and guide towards your dream self and wardrobe.

Declutter and organize your wardrobe

Now it's actually time to move from paper to action. So, let's go and deal with your hell of a mess wardrobe.

It is important to let go of things that don't make you feel good and comfortable with yourself. Don't overthink about it, just follow your heart and act accordingly to your intuition. Only when you will let go of all the things that keep you in place, you will be able to move forward and build something new.


◆ Get rid of clothes that you feel don't represent you anymore.

◆ Get rid of clothes that don't fit your body. Let all your excuses behind that you will make it work one day and move on.

◆ Get rid of clothes that you haven't worn at all the past season.

◆ Get rid of clothes that look old and well-worn.

◆ Get rid of your less favorite clothing item in your current wardrobe.

Find your personal style

Before you start building your dream closet, you have to discover your personal style and aesthetic. This part is the most overwhelming and tricky one. First of all, you have to let go of the idea that your personal style has to fit into a "label'.

Finding your personal style simply means expressing yourself through fashion. It means to be you no matter what you are wearing. Think of the feeling when you discover your signature, that's exactly how it feels finding your style. Even if you already found your personal style, you have to remember that is always a work in progress. Your sense of style never stops evolving.

Build your dream closet

◆ Step one: Start from basics. Check which ones you already own and which ones you need to add. A good pair of jeans, a white tee, a black top/sweater, and a leather or denim jacket are my personal absolute must-haves that shouldn't be missing from anyone's wardrobe.
◆ Step two: Create a fashion wishlist. Invest in two high-quality items each year.
◆ Step three: Shop mostly on sales, especially when it comes to trends.
◆ Step four: Don't dress for anyone else except yourself. Wear only what you like and don't care about what others think. There is only one rule in fashion "there are no rules, just do you".
◆ Step five: Rinse and repeat.
