Ways To Grow Your Confidence in 2019
Belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities
I personally believe that confidence is key when it comes to achieving our goals. Without it, it can be really difficult to achieve anything, as we will doubt ourselves before even trying, which in the long run, will lead us to not even try at all. When we are paralyzed by fear and self-doubt, it becomes so much harder to go after what we really want and to be open to new opportunities and chances. However, nobody is born with incredible self-confidence. Confidence is something you have to work on and learn how to build up. So that's why I'm writing this article. Not only for you but for me as well. If we want to make 2019 the best year yet, we have to trust ourselves and trust the process. So in this article, I will be sharing with you 5 powerful ways to boost our confidence that you and I can easily incorporate in our lives, and start seeing changes little by little.
1. Visualize
Even if you are not in the place where you would like to be right now, taking a moment to visualize yourself as you want is the best first step. It will help you to evaluate where you are and where you want to be, as well as what it takes to get there. What's more, you will realize that you have achieved so much already and that you are able to achieve so much more. Because chances are, you have a poor perception of yourself due to your lack of confidence. Be proud of yourself and aim for more. There's always room for improvement, which doesn't mean that what you have to work with right now is not enough. Mindset is everything. If you can visualize yourself how you want to be, you will find this motivation and forced to work towards what you are seeing. I think that a great idea would be to do this exercise once every three to four months to check on your process and find motivation within yourself, seeing how much you have improved and changed.
2. Surround yourself with positivity
This can be a tough one... but being around people that only bring you down is not doing any good for you. Most of our insecurities and lack of confidence come from the outside: comparing ourselves to others, overthinking conversations... Stay away from negativity and bring on the positivity. Evaluate your inner circle, detox your social media and get away from all the negativity in your life. Even the series and movies you watch to the books you read can affect your relationship with yourself and your self-perception. Don't waste your time and energy on those who put you down and shred your confidence.
io3. Always do your best
If you always do your best at everything you do, you won't have any regrets no matter what the result is. You don't have to be confident about something to have a good result, you have you try your best and give it all you've got to have a good result. Confidence comes second. Commit yourself fully to everything you do and impress yourself at how well you do. You will improve every day and realize that your "best today" is your stepping stone tomorrow. This continuous improvement will be a source of self-confidence and motivation to keep going!
4. Dress for success
When you look good, you feel good... and some days we need this kind of extra help! This tip also relates to number one, visualization. Dress for what you want to become and who you want to be. This is a way to start actually seeing in real life what you are picturing in your head. Not only will you feel more confident, but others will perceive this confidence emanating from you as well. How you feel about yourself is reflected in your appearance, and a little bit of effort goes a long way. Dress for success in order to feel more prepared and focused, ready to encounter any challenges that may approach you.
5. Create a great list
I read this concept on a blog post a while ago so I thought I would share it with you as it is a simple activity that can make a huge impact. This list will be your best friend when you are going through a hard time. No matter how confident you are or how hard you are trying to be more confident in yourself, life brings unexpected challenges that make it hard for us to keep a positive mindset. That's when this list comes to the rescue. Make a list of all the things you are thankful for and another list of all the things you are proud of accomplishing. In both cases, it can be big things or small things, I would suggest both! Once you're done, put them somewhere where you can easily see them on an everyday basis. These lists will remind you what an amazing life you have and what an amazing person you really are. If someday you are having a hard time, take a look at those lists and let yourself feel and be inspired all over again by you.
That's it for today's article. If you ever feel like you need to talk to someone about the way you are feeling, know that I'm here for you and that I will do my very best to help you in every way that I possibly can. I have written some articles related to this article's topic so I will link them below in case you want to check them out.
Before leaving I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas! Even if you don't celebrate it, I hope you have a wonderful and lovely day!
As always, feel free to message me if you want to leave a suggestion for my future articles or simply if you just wanna talk to someone ♡