Cheer yourself up

Hi, welcome again. Lately I've been suffering a lot with my depression now that school has started. I wanted to make a list of things that's either brought light to my mood or made me completely happy.

- Read a book (or listen to one
I feel doing this really brings out my creative mind and
helps me either get lot done or just in general make me feel great because I'm reading.

- Work Out 
It doesn't have to be intense, you don't even need to leave the house, maybe look something up on Pinterest or download an app. Even if you do some light leg lifts, you'll feel great.

- Stargaze/Watch The Moon 
I am obsessed with anything that is in the sky at night. I am definitely more if a night person, meaning I enjoy the moon and stars v much

- Sit Outside 
This is a favorite now that school over. I enjoy sitting outside. Most of the time I do nothing, but sometimes I pick the berries off the tree of play with my animals in my yard, or even read a book. The sun and warm air is a mood booster.

- Pamper Yourself 
Nothing is better than a face mask and a bath with some good music (or a book). I tend to do this on Wednesdays because it is the least hectic day of my week.

So, if you want to have a better everyday mood, just follow the above advice and I'm sure it will work.
