3 ways to fix a bad day
We can’t change how we feel, but we can try our best to combat it! If you wake up feeling down, here are 3 simple things you can do that will turn that frown upside down.
1. Make Your Bed
Charles Duhigg notes in his fascinating book, The Power of Habit, “making your
bed every morning is correlated with better productivity, a greater sense of well-being, and stronger skills at sticking with a budget.”
If you’re still not convinced, here are some perks of making your bed:
- It will stop you from crawling back into bed and force you to be productive
- It makes you feel like you have your life together (even if you do not!)
- Your roommates will be impressed by you
- You will feel proud of yourself (I promise!)
2. Grab Your Journal (or piece of paper if you don’t have one)
I received the magical Five Minute Journal for Valentine’s Day from one of my best friends, and it’s drastically improved my well-being and personal contentment regarding all aspects of life. If you don’t want to spend the money, the magic can still be done! Just grab your journal/piece of paper, and in the morning, write down:
- 3 things you are grateful for: (examples: the warm bed your sleep in, your parents, a functioning, healthy body)
- 3 things that would make today great: (examples: drinking 5 cups of water, making it to the gym, reading before bed)
- 3 Daily Affirmations: (examples: “I am capable of accomplishing my goals and I’m proud of how far I’ve come”)
Gratitude is the key to happiness, and the key to fixing a bad day! Once you remind yourself that you have so much to feel grateful for, you’ll feel humbled to be alive!
Goals are especially important. Planning out what would make your day great will influence you for the rest of the day because you’ll want to align your actions with what you told yourself would make your day great! And last, daily affirmations are integral to that boost of confidence in yourself. If you plant a positive and empowering thought in your brain in the morning, you will remember it throughout and be proud of yourself.
3. Drink Warm Lemon Water
According to organicfacts.net, there are many benefits to lemon water.
Lemon water:
-Reduces calorie intake by being a great substitute for sugary drinks
-Helps liver by activating digestive enzymes present in the liver
-Improves digestion by promoting the production of hydrochloric acid and bile secretion, which are required for digestion.
Now here’s how to do it --
Simply pour a cup of water, microwave it for 30 seconds - 1 minute, and then squeeze half a lemon into it and stir! Optional: add sugar or honey for sweetness ;)
Those are the 3 steps that are guaranteed to save the day. Next time you wake up and things are feelin' hopeless, just know that you can save your mood within a matter of minutes!