Honey: overnight beauty

Honey is an amazing product to use for every part of your body. Here are some of the best ways to use it

Clear acne
Honey can be left on breakouts to help them heal faster. Apply a small amount of honey on acne and cover it with a band aid.
Split ends
Mix honey with olive oil and smoth it on your hair to smooth and repair split ends and add shine to your hair.
Pink lips
Mix honey with ghee and use it on your lips before going to bed to heal chapped lips and naturally lighten lips
Dark circles
Smooth a small amount of honey mixed with almond oil and apply it under the eyes to treat dark circles and puffiness.
Lighten scar
Lighten dark scars and spots by mixing honey with aloe vera gel and apply it on your face before going to bed.
Remove blackheads
Treat and prevent blackheads by using honey mixed with cinnamon.
