Her Vegan Story
So, this is her article
hi everyone! wow time flies.. I am still alive haha. today I want to write about something that is very important to me. so lets get to the topic: VEGANISM.

why did I went veggie? well it all started with a slaughterhouse video that I saw on social media. u know before that, I was annoyed by vegetarians, I loved McDonalds and just wanted to eat whatever I want. then I saw the video of a cow who got slaughtered. I saw this video by myself and cried. that was the first time I made the connection. I realized, this is my burger, this is happening because of me. after the video I got more and more interested in our food industry. I wanted to learn more, so I started to watch a lot of documentaries. but I didn't watched vegan documentaries, no I watched "the cove" and "black fish". the cove is about dolphin killing in taiji (Japan) and black fish is about the orca entertainment industry (about seaworld). After watching these two, it changed me forever. I was so confused and angry about what we humans are doing to animals and I just said: "I will never eat meat again" and from this on I was a vegetarian.

After a year I realized. ok, dairy and eggs are not good. Because of dairy, cows get every year pregnant to produce milk and every time they get separate from their babies. if the baby is a boy, he gets killed after a few weeks. if the baby is a girl, she will end up like her mother. when they can't produce enough milk anymore, they get killed. this is happening when they are 5-6 years old.. cows can get 25 years old.
cows are very emotional animals, they have a strong bond with their children and scream months long after their babies. just because we want to drink mothers milk from another species, like wtf.

because of the massive egg production (we humans create) chicken produce unnaturally way too much eggs. they often get sick because its too much for their body, sometimes they die because eggs get stuck in their body.. and in the egg industry male chicken get shredded because they are (like male cows) useless for the industry.

if we buy eggs or cows milk (or any other animal product) we are supporting these industries. we are giving them money.

like I said I realized after a year it was bad. I wanted to go vegan but nobody supported me. my parents did not understood why I wanted to do this and I couldn't find vegan meals in the cafeteria at my school. so I said to my self: when I finish school I go vegan. and I did.
the hardest part for me was to give up cheese.. yeah I loved cheese. so I wanted to know how hard it will be. I said to my parents: "I want to try to eat vegan for 2-3 months and see how I feel." my parents were like "ok, as long as its just for a few months." well I never stopped haha, because it was way easier then I expected.

I went vegan because of ethical reasons, because I love animals more then a taste in my mouth for 2 seconds. but veganism has also positiv environmental effects and can be amazing for your health.

that's it for today. hope u enjoyed and could learned something. I always love to get messages from u guys. about what should I write next? any wishes?
have a wonderful day.
peace out,
love, tess xx