Single On Valentine's Day? Don't Be Sad!

How are you today? Can you believe it's February 2020 already? Oh, how time flies.. for me it still feels like 2016, but anyway...
Valentine's Day is just around the corner and there are probably lots of you who can't wait to celebrate it with your other significant halves, but there are probably also lots of you who just want to forget this day exists.
And while I've been in both of those circumstances, I decided to write an article on what you can do to make this day enjoyable when you're not spending it on a date.

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We all have different opinions on Valentine's Day, some of us like to celebrate it every year, some of us don't. But one thing's for sure it's just ONE DAY and no one should feel pressured to celebrate it, if they don't want to.
And now let's dig into the point!
If you're feeling lonely and sad on that day - you should remember that there are plenty of other single people experiencing Valentine's Day too.
You're not alone in this, because many of those people probably feel the same, but there are also many of singles who will be having a wonderful time snickering at the pointlessness of Valentine's Day or not even bothering to give it any notice.
It's all just a matter of perspective.
Moreover, if you give it a thought - there are also many couples who resist Valentine's Day as much as possible and who find the commercialization of V-Day stupid even though they're in love.

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With that in mind let's now think about all the amazing benefits of being single.
Because as much as we want to believe it - being in relationship is not an easy thing to do and it deffinitely isn't always rainbows and butterflies.
What's important to remember is that it isn't fashionable to cover the happiness of being single in media or political discourse. And that doesn't mean that there are many very happy single people. Because trust me - there really are!
➥ So, take time to sit down and write good things that come to your mind when you think of being single. Here are some of the benefits for example:
  • free time,
  • little less responsibilities,
  • more time to discover who you are and improve yourself,
  • more time to spend with your friends and family,
  • decision-making is made less complicated,
  • you can practice complete independence,
  • you can make self-care a priority,
  • less drama.

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And if you ever bump into someone who rubs your "singleness" in your face (not only on V-Day) - remember it's best to stay strong reply with compassion.
You can say for example: "I like being single. I get to choose how I want to live without having to make compromises. Freedom feels great."

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How about showing yourself the love you deserve?
Self-love is as important as the romantic kind of love. So take care of yourself on that day the way you'd take care of your loved one.
If you can, take the day off and spend it doing the things you love and things that soothe you and put your mind at ease.
➥ If you decide to stay at home you can for example:
  • watch your favourite movie/TV show,
  • listen to your favourite music,
  • read a book, or your favourite magazine,
  • paint or draw,
  • take a hot and bubbly bath or shower,
  • indulge in your favourite food (cook for yourself if you like doing it),
  • do meditation or breathing exercises,
  • write in a journal.

chill, fashion magazine, and fashion magazines εικόναmorning and coffee εικόνα

➥ And if being outdoors and around people is the thing that makes you feel better, consider:
  • going shopping and buying something you’ve been saving for,
  • going to a spa,
  • taking a day trip to your favourite place,
  • simply going for a walk (with your pet, if you have one),
  • hitting the gym or take a fitness class (if you like exercising - and even if you don't, it's a well known fact that exercises can boost your mood),
  • going to your favourite restaurant or coffee shop.
Valentine's Day should be about what you love to do. So, instead of feeling bad, remind yourself of what you can do, and what you love to do.

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Who said you need someone to buy anything it for you? Especially on days like Valentine's Day? Don't feel bad about spoiling yourself a little. You deserve it!
➥ Get some chocolate - it's known for a fact that chocolate releases endorphins in the brain to make you feel good. I'm not saying you should eat the whole chocolate bar or all the chocolates in the box - but a little chocolate will actually improve your mood and make you feel better.

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➥ Send yourself a bouquet of your favourite flowers - you can order the set of your favourite flowers a couple weeks before and send it for you to get on Valentine's Day. Don't forget to add the card with a note! Write on it whatever you know can make you feel good. And believe me, even if you remember it's you who really sent it, it will still make your day.

flowers, pink, and rose εικόναaccessories, chic, and fashion εικόνα

➥ Go shopping and buy the thing you've been saving your money for - you won't hear it a lot, but it's good to be a little selfish now and then. And there's also nothing wrong in buying a gift for yourself, new clothes, shoes, jewelry or a bag can actually boost your mood.

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It often turns out that the harshest critic on a holiday like Valentine's Day is yourself. Let go of the expectations about how the day should be and redirect your negative thoughts about being unloved or unappreciated to thoughts about who does care about and love you. (Because I'm more than sure you have at least few people like that in your life).
Valentine's Day is a all about celebrating love - and that feeling isn't defined by being in a romantic relationship and having a partner. Love can be shared with friends and family too. Remember to make an effort to show that they mean as much to you as this romantic person you're looking for.

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Your friends and family members just like you may feel left out on that day, so remind them that V-Day is about being supportive and kind, make them feel appreciated.
➥ It's not a bad idea to give Valentine's Day cards or goodies to others - cards don't have to be only romantic in nature, they can be fun, playful, and happy. And who knows, you might end up brightening someone's day. It's an amazing feeling.
➥ Plan a lunch, dinner or party with single friends or your family members - I bet not all of your friends are coupled and have plans for this day, so why not gather up and have a good time? Whether it's a lunch, dinner, movie night, or a party, it will deffinitely make you feel better, and make you realize that you're actually loved and not alone.

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➥ Don't forget to call relatives with whom you can't meet on this day (parents, grandparents, aunts, or uncles) and also w ish them a Happy Valentine's Day. They deserve your love as much as anyone else.
➥ You can also offer your time to strangers - volunteerism has been shown to improve the psychological wellbeing of the volunteer and it may also help you feel less alone.
So if you have time and a desire to help - consider looking for events in your community that need volunteers. It can be anything from a soup kitchen, domestic violence shelter, animal shelter, nursing home to a hospital. Support others on that day.
And note that you don't have to do it only by yourself, talk to your friends, maybe they would want to volunteer with you?

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And that's all! Thank you so much for reading! Have an amazing day and remember to share the love! xx
