The importance of self-imade
If you’re wondering what your self-image is, it won’t be difficult to find out. Just look at the various aspects of your life. Take a look at your appearance, your income, your behavior, emotional state, relationships, achievements. These are all the outer expression of the inner self-image.
One of the greatest mistakes people make is attempting to change the things that are outside of themselves. Actually, you do not have to actively try to raise your self-esteem, because it is just a by-product of just trying to be happier. Remember that what you actually see when you look in the mirror is not the genuine you. It’s just a reflection of what's happening inside.
While your physical body and appearance are important, it’s the self-image locked in your subconscious mind, that determines your success or failure in life. What really matters in life is character, not looks. It takes time and determination to re-learn what we surely knew as babies, that we are beautiful and worthy.

If you're unhappy with life, then it probably means your mental self-image is based on false and limited information. This leads to problems with self-confidence, insecurities, and jealousies. It sets boundaries for every area of your life.
We all have a mental picture of ourselves. For example, if you consider yourself to be shy or not good enough, you will feel and act in that way. And that will later create results in your life that reflect the image you have in your mind. You attract what you radiate, so if you change your self-talk, you change what you are. Figure out why you see yourself in certain ways and find a way to improve.

To re-make and upgrade your life, you should create a winner’s self-image. And as soon as you begin to change your thoughts, everything outside will begin to adjust.
Here are my tips you can imply right away to change your self-image:
One of the first things you want to do is to simply take ten minutes, a few times each day, to picture yourself with the pleasant things you'd like to have or do. Enable yourself to totally unwind so you can feel what you desire without any distractions. This is a good place to start. Expect yourself to be beautiful, strong and confident. Believe you are worthy. Know that you are. Make that the most important habit of all.

The outcome is a result of the process. Start presenting yourself physically in a manner that is consistent with the new image that you are creating. Pay more attention to how you dress, improve your posture, and your behavior. The way you engage in a relationship with the self and how you treat yourself, sends a very powerful message to your subconscious mind. It is also a strong indicator of how others will treat you. Your beliefs and stories about yourself are creating your reality. When you think you’re a good person, others think you are good too. Because how you think determines how you act. Start from a place of confidence and self-trust, and believe that it will help you attract more of the same into your life.

When you start looking and acting like the person you want to become, your new attitude will follow. As you begin acting differently, you will quickly see your dreams manifest. Because whatever you’re trying to get, whoever you want to become, there’s no need to put it off for the future. Like it or not, you have to step out of your comfort zone. Be sure to have an open mind and never leave home without feeling certain you feel like the kind of person you want to become.

Remember, the subconscious mind sees no difference between what’s real and what is imagined. All that creativity we use to produce negative stories could be harnessed to produce a positive effect. It will require a lot of mindfulness, and paying closer attention to what is going on in your mind. Start to learn to accept yourself, and appreciate all of it.

Action is the next step to developing self-confidence. You can’t build confidence solely by sitting around thinking good thoughts. You also have to take action. Set a goal you know you can achieve, and then go for it. You have to be willing to feel a little bit uncomfortable doing new things the first few times. It will be worth it.

“Seeing, feeling, thinking, believing—these are the stages of how we change our style on the outside and our self-image on the inside.” - Stacey London
In my honest opinion, changing your self-image is the most important thing you can do in order to change your current reality. The results you’re getting in life are a reflection of your self-image. Direct your energy to changing the mental picture you have in your mind instead of trying to change outside circumstances. Remind yourself that despite your problems, you are unique, special, and valuable.