How to motivate yourself to workout
Wake up. Work out. Look hot. Kick ass.
Working out can be hard, and sometimes I feel as though it is expected of us just because we are women and we're supposed to be pretty. Still, working out is a great way to achieve a healthy lifestyle and to get the perfect routine. Neverthless, it isn't easy, especially for lazy or busy people like me. So here are various ways to motivate yourself to workout
1. Motivational quotes
Quotes are everything. Working out takes a lot of energy and willpower, but there's nothing like a quote about success to make me feel better and to motivate me to do what I want.

2. Cute clothes
One of the things that has motivated me the most is getting cute workout clothes. People who are afraid of commitment would rather not buy expensive clothes because they think it won't change anything, but seeing yourself with those new leggings and a nike bra does wonders for your self esteem and motivation.
3. Track your progress
I think that most people get discouraged because they expect to see results in just a couple of weeks, but working out takes time. A good way to track your progress is creating an Instagram Account or an album on your phone where you post picutres of your progress everytime you workout. Remember, this is about your own motivation, just because it's on Instagram doesn't mean people need to see it.
4. Find your style
Some people like to workout at home (aka me), this is usually for people who are very busy and don't have time to go anywhere. You can also workout at the gym, with a friend if you get to anxious about your body or get a personal trainer if you really want to get into it and get a personalized attention.
5. Get inspiration
There are many accounts on Instagram or other social media where people post their progress and picutres of their body. This can be very inspiring and give you a look at what your body might look like if you keep working. Of course, try to follow people who have a similar body as yourse because otherwise the results won't be the same.
6. Try different workouts
There are many workouts out there, you might want to change it up a little bit. You can try Alexis Ren's workout or try to workout like a Victoria Secret Model. See what works for you and adapt those workouts to make sure they fit you correctly.